Airservices Australia Enterprise Agreement

Airservices Australia Enterprise Agreement: A Comprehensive Overview

The Airservices Australia Enterprise Agreement is a contractual agreement between Airservices Australia and its employees. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions of employment for Airservices Australia employees, including wages, hours of work, and other benefits.

Airservices Australia is a government-owned corporation that provides air traffic control and aviation rescue and firefighting services throughout Australia. The organization employs more than 4000 staff across the country. These employees work in a range of roles, including air traffic controllers, firefighters, engineers, and administrative staff.

The Airservices Australia Enterprise Agreement is negotiated between Airservices Australia and its employees, who are represented by their union, the Civil Air Operations Officer`s Association. The purpose of the agreement is to provide a framework for employment that is fair, consistent, and transparent for all parties involved.

Some of the key features of the Airservices Australia Enterprise Agreement include:

Wages and Allowances: The agreement sets out the wages and allowances that Airservices Australia employees are entitled to. These rates are based on the employee`s classification, experience, and qualifications.

Hours of Work: The agreement specifies the standard hours of work for Airservices Australia employees. These hours vary depending on the role, with some employees working shift work and others working regular business hours.

Leave Entitlements: Airservices Australia employees are entitled to a range of different types of leave, including annual leave, personal leave, and long service leave. The agreement outlines the conditions under which these types of leave can be taken.

Training and Development: The agreement recognizes the importance of ongoing training and development for Airservices Australia employees. It provides for training and development programs to be developed and implemented to ensure that employees have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their roles.

Performance Management: The agreement includes provisions for performance management, including regular performance appraisals and the development of individual performance plans.

Workplace Health and Safety: The agreement places a strong emphasis on workplace health and safety, outlining the responsibilities of both the employer and employees in creating a safe workplace.

Overall, the Airservices Australia Enterprise Agreement provides a comprehensive framework for employment that reflects the unique nature of the organization`s operations. By setting out clear standards and requirements for both employers and employees, the agreement helps to ensure that Airservices Australia can continue to deliver essential air traffic control and aviation rescue services to the Australian public.
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